Meet the Team
We are the Ryedale & District Mencap Team.
The team is made up of many roles:
Development Manager - Oversees all aspects of the day to day running of the charity. Looks after volunteers, members, activity organisation and funding.
Chairperson - they are in charge of keeping order at the meetings, and overseeing the general running of the charity.
Vice Chairperson - to stand in where the chairperson can not make a meeting and assist them in the general running of the charity.
Treasurer - they over see all financial details of the charity.
Secretary - they take minutes at all meetings as well as circulating them round.
Trustees - they are their to support the running of the charity and decision making at meetings.
All of the roles in our team are just as important and all enable R&D Mencap to continue doing the fabulous work we do. But we are not the same without our members, visit the members story page (by clicking below) to get to know some of them.
New opportunity...
Join our team!
Ryedale and District Mencap CIO are always looking for new people to join our team. Whether that be as a trustee, committee member or volunteer; we are grateful for any help you can give.
Don't think you have the right skills? This is never true with us we work with all out volunteers and their skills, ensuring that we use your skills in whatever way.
Below are some examples of roles you might be able to fill; please get in touch if you have anything you can offer us - even if it is not in the list below.
Would you like to be a trustee working in the background?
Are you able to be a volunteer driver for our members?
Would you like to help us with fundraising?
Could you help on a street collection?
Are you hands on and would like to help us are our weekly in person activities?
Or would you like to take the members on an exciting holiday in our very own caravan?
Would you like to be our minutes secretary?
Or do you fancy volunteering on our trips out and about?